This is a blog for the strong, the determined, the wild. In the past ten years more than 100 have joined the triBE on a journey to BE strong, to BE fierce, to BE triathletes. We are dedicated to the belief that anyone can BE a triathlete and support each other in every endeavor. Our team members are all sizes, speeds, and ages. This is our story.

"When anyone tells me I can't do anything, I'm just not listening any more." ~Florence Griffith Joyner

If this isn't enough you can read more from me here:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Life is Full of Surprises

“Would you like to know your future?
If your answer is yes, think again. Not knowing is the greatest life motivator.
So enjoy, endure, survive each moment as it comes to you in its proper sequence -- a surprise.”
~Vera Nazarian

Over the holiday break I spent some wonderful time with my family including my husband’s sprawling Costello clan.  We laughed so hard, drank too much, ate with abandon, and one night burst into a spontaneous and awesomely wretched a cappella version of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”  It was truly a spectacular visit. 

One of my clan sisters, an outlaw, Costello by marriage like me, is from Mexico. She took a leap and married my brother-in-law 10 years ago and has been raising their three sons.  Recently she took another leap and has started back to school, determined to get her GED.  She told me about her dreams to go to college.  She wants to study psychology or nursing or maybe law.  She sees the world opening wide, stretching out in front of her in endless possibility.  She has reached that moment when she can look up from her life and start to dream.

She told me about her tutor, a 74-year-old retired teacher who works with her weekly and inspires her to keep going, even when she feels frustrated.  This tutor is creating a community for my sister, introducing her to others, encouraging her, helping her to move forward even when she has doubts.  My sister was surprised that school turned out to be so hard and that the road was so long.  She also loves it.  She wants to learn, wants to spend every minute reading.  The unknown, the unexpected is a beautiful surprise.  Her face lights as she talks.  Sometimes I think education is wasted on youth, but that’s another conversation.

So it’s a new year.  This afternoon I will go for a ride.  It is shaping up to be a gorgeous day.  No surprises there.  But on Monday I will take a little leap and have knee surgery.  In a perfect world I will start running a month later and by May I will be back and better than ever.  I suspect there will be some challenges to that dream, that the road will be harder and longer than I expect. Surprise. But I also know that I love this, and that whatever successes I achieve this year will be well-earned.

And that’s really the best part.  I don’t know what will happen.  Life is delicious in its surprises.  But I know I am willing, know I am ready to take the first step.  I’m going to take a flying leap into the unknown and ride it for all it’s worth.  There’s no point in worrying about tomorrow.  There’s only today and the pleasure and challenge that it offers.  And along the way I will spend time with all of you, fellow travelers willing to take a leap for today, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. 

A year ago there was no triBE, just a loose gathering of like-minded women.  Now we are community, family, strength.  A spectacular, wonderful surprise. This year we will welcome new members, make new friends.  We will laugh and fall and if necessary, punch surprises right in the nose.  We are ready for tears and sweat and spontaneous versions of song.  It is time to begin again.

Ready, set, SURPRISE!

“Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me.” ~Walt Whitman

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